Thursday, March 17, 2011

on 13 months

Dear Umar,

Very sorry for not writing/report about you for so long...

been very busy.

Actually, Mummy quit job as Analysis Officer @ UMCIC and decide to further my master studies. So now, Im at UM continuing my Master degree. Hopefully Mommy able to get sufficient results to convert my Master to PhD.

*Praying mode*

So that is d strong excuse for not writing about u right?? =)

Ok, for today, u are 13 months old growing little boy..

you can now walked so fast! can wear sandals! can 'salam' everyone when we asked to, can eat by your own eventhough it takes like ages for you to finish your meals and after the ages, 80% of the meals was scattered on the floor.. your mouth cant stop mumbles and rumbles what ever words only you understand it.. but we liking it so much.. you loves to talk you language which we dont understand but we pretend that we are talking the same language..

you was like " a nananana atesh.. atee.. nana. dadi.. "

then we will like " ooo.. Cannot.. You cannot go upstairs" "really? ok, Mummy wont give you Biscuits anymore.. you want something else?

besides, you love to point at things.. point at things and will say something about it.. we will just smile and talk to you..

i remember one morning, when u wake up then you straight point at door.. " ooo you want to play outside.. change your diapers and sleep shirt first ok" .. hehe


it is so fast seeing you growing little boy..

still remember when first i hold you, you were so tiny (you are 2.32kg) as compared to other baby, you consider very small boy.. but for me, you are 'big' little man!! you dont give me so much hassles to care for you.. you are so naive.. laying on your matt and will cry whenever you hungry.. then i will breast feed you. Yes boy, I breastfeed you until you are about 5 months.

so many things to write about you.. but the most precious time I have with you and Daddy will always have in our mind and heart..

till then,

see you on d next entry.

i love u son,