Sunday, October 24, 2010

Progress by 8 months

Hai sayang..

yesterday, 23 Sept 2010 umar genap 9 bulan.. there is no celebration of couse! hihi
but yesterday we are at PD, Mommy's office buat family day kat sana.

for today, Mommy nak update progress umar so far.

by 8 months,

1 - Umar dh pandai merangkak, of course! dan sgt laju.. (good boy).. kadang2 umar crawl ke dapur, then stop kat pintu sebab suma org "Umar, come!" "Umar nak g mana tu", "umar..." and mesti ada orang amik Umar when you are about enter the kitchen! bukan tak kasi pegi sayang but it is dengerous ok!

2 - dah bole berdiri sendiri tapi tangan kena pegang something la.. sometimes, you tried to loose your hand for few sec and will hold back anything near kalau tak, confirm jatuh!

3 - Suka crawl to anyone. then berdiri dekat kaki .. then buat muka comel (tau, dengan tujuan org akan angkat Umar kan? ) clever boy!

4 - suka sangat ketuk-ketuk(cepuk-cepuk) meja, kerusi makan, ketuk almari, ketuk apa2 yg bole di ketuk la.. umar ketuk sgt kuat! and sure sakit tapak tangan tu but its your choice and your learning process, Mommy bole larang sekejap jek then you do it again!

5 - sudah pandai menjerit yang sangat kuat dan nyaring! good vocal indeed! hihi
and before tido you selalu buat soft tone (Mommy and Daddy selalu kata Umar tgh zikir before sleep) like dadada..aaaaaaaaaa... and we know that it is the sign that you are about to sleep, selain dari gosok-gosok mata and nangis la..

6 - by 8 months, Umar dah kenal orang and you didnt scare to people. Umar tak kisah sapa-sapa amik Umar.. You are so friendly but it is actually agak bahaya and sangat relevant to - kidnapping! later Mommy tell you ok.

7 - Umar dah gain weight and height yang ideal for your age. and sure Mommy and Daddy tak larat nak dokong lama-lama

8 - sekarang ni, kalau nak pakaikan diapers, memang sangat sukar sebab you will turn and crawl bila Mommy baringkan! its good that you are well develop tapi kadang-kadang Mommy geram sangat Umar..
Then bila marah Umar senyum comel.. camne Mommy nak marah...

9 - Disebabkan Umar dah pandai crawl and stand by yourself, Umar dah gerak jauh and suka pegi tempat-tempat like bawah kerusi, pegi meja, pegi corner tepi tv, pegi kat extension wire, then you like to open pintu cupboard, buka tutup (takut tersepit je Umar.. tu yang everyone larang ok!)

10 - by 8 months, Umar dh dapat 1st injury under your chin. Its quite huge the injury cause bila Umar yang dah sukar dicontrol tried to open pintu almari n terhantuk kat handle. Mommy and Daddy take you to clinic 2 kali and dapat antibiotic n foban. and even worse, the injury cause infection to lengan pulak.. and tell you, its huge injury sayang.. and for baby,, aouchh!!!!!

till then, by today, you are 9 months already honey.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

first post by your Aunty Lynn ;)

I believe this is the first time I'm posting something here? haha I dunno. but now I think you're a couple more days to officially being NINE MONTHS OLD ;)

You're big and strong and heavy. You got two big red things on your body. one's on your left forearm and the other's on your chin. you've got skin disease, and luckily, you've got medicines to make it better. like your mummy said, it's big enough for us adults to feel it's pain, what does a baby like you feel? apparently, we can't tell, since you can't really talk properly yet (an te te un te aren't exactly words) .

plus, it's getting harder to take care of you, since you're getting older and wiser. you can crawl anywhere now. once, you even reached the kitchen door! one second you're banging the doors of the cupboard (I tied it with potpourris so that you wouldn't be able to open it) and the next you could be tapping on the glass top table.

and just now you crawled to me and came up to my chair. amazing Umar.

Right now, I'm seriously into KPOP and I have successfully pulled your mummy into it too. heehee. my fav boy band is ultimately Super Junior and my bias is Lee Donghae, Cho Kyuhyun and Lee Sungmin x3 maybe you can Google them one day, and their information in Wiki would be totally different than it is now. They would be old news, old and unpopular. even now, only 30% of the world know about them. maybe less.

things would change a lot, wouldn't it? maybe blogs would be much more hi-tech later. I just hope that you'll be using it for the better. don't be selfish, Umar, that's one thing I can advice you on. when you make other people happy, you will feel happy yourself.

Loves, Aunty Lynn.