Dear Umar,
yesterday mommy and daddy take you for you 5 months check up. Mommy on leave because so many planned things in my head to do for the day.
So, as usual, daddy change your diaper n put rompers on you and take you to kkia and also as usual, too many parents and babies around. so for the whole turn-waiting, we have to stand at the one corner while you stay in your stroller. Well behave boy!

Your 5 months update:
Weight = 7kgs
Length = 63cm
Head Circumtances =
Chest Cirmuntances =
ha! this month, umar nak kena cucuk for 3rd injection DAtap.
Being a good boy, u cried once like uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa then.. thats it!!! Good boy shibibi =)

That afternoon, mommy and daddy lunch at home with food pack by daddy's staf and around 3pm, our next agenda is to open your bank account.
I am so excited because it takes like forever to open your account. All your money collection, we kept properly so that we will not use it.
*your total collection is about RM2000 but mommy misplaced one money packet where about RM500, somewhere I am very sure, in the camera bag!! but one day, when i checked on it, it is not there anymore. mommy think it may b someone has steal it from the camera bag. silent*

that is it umar, u finally have a bank account. Its CIMB JUNIOR. u get free activity books and coin bank Toy Story 3 limited edition. Its almost raya and all your collection money will goes to your account okay!!
love you,